Spunkerella's Blog

Thursday, April 14, 2011


S received her white belt in Karate yesterday. It was a proud moment for both father and daughter.

In this karate class, the white has to be earned -- by being able to recite the creed. In fact, just doing what you are expected to, does not earn you anything. When a student goes above expectation, she is rewarded.

Both daddy and momma think the class, taught by Ms. Iris, will help teach S to be more confident and capable. Both parents also like Ms. Iris teaching style.

BTW, S was so excited about her white belt that she recited all the rules about wearing it to momma -- do not drag it on the ground, do not get it dirty, et. al. Plus, S made momma promise to never wash it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


S has her trial class at Austin Home Based this morning. She was so excited and insisted on taking a backpack. She wanted to know what to put inside it and finally settled on a pencil and a couple pages of paper from her notebook.

When momma and S arrived S played in the playground for a couple of minutes, before heading in and meeting her teachers. Momma kissed her goodbye and left. Unlike her first day at Starbright, she seemed happy to start school.

P.S. She did the monkey bars at the Playscape by herself, but she insisted momma stand by her.