Spunkerella's Blog

Sunday, September 09, 2012


S started fall softball with the Oak Hill youth associations. Her Shetland team is called the "Ladybugs." So far, it's been a bumpy start, with ups and downs. The up part is that daddy is taking time to help out the team. He's active in helping the softball coach. S likes softball practices. She proudly points out how much running she does and how fast her heart is pounding. She likes hitting the ball too.

The downs are that S and daddy combo isn't going as smoothly as imagined. Mama was imagining daddy and S out in the yard - throwing and catching the ball and having a great time. The reality is that daddy spends alot of time saying "eyes on the ball." And, S spends alot of time flinching away from the ball, scared to get hit.

Despite all this, both S and daddy are having a good time. Both seem to have agreed to give this fall season a try.

P.S. S's first softball game was today. She didn't field any balls but she did make a hit and ran the bases. Yeah!


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