Spunkerella's Blog

Sunday, June 24, 2007


"S" spent most of Saturday (June 23, 2007) with Mimi and Poppy. She lunched with them, went shopping and then went to visit her cousins. Afterwards, she came home and played some more with Mimi and Poppy. She even napped in the car ride home from her cousins.

What great time she had! The only person(s) to get separation anxiety was daddy and momma....


S is finally talking; her first three words are "Hi," "Bye" and "Daddy." (Although with daddy, she signs "momma.") Momma and daddy wonder if first words indicate what type of person she's going to be. Is she going to be "Ms. Social" since her first word is "Hi"?

Most of all, momma and daddy find "S" to be adorable when she waves and says "Hi" in her southern drawl.

P.S. Speaking of words, "S" can now sign the following: all done, eat, drink, help/want, dog, cat, fish, hat, uh-oh, more, up, book, daddy/momma, and ball.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


"S" started kissing momma and daddy. She doesn't know how to pucker up yet, but she opens her mouth and places it on momma's or daddy's nose. She's pleased with herself and smiles and giggles when we kiss her nose back. Her favorite place to be kissed is her forehead, which she presents the most... just like momma.

She just melts momma & daddy's hearts with her kisses.


Just out of the blue, S refused to sit on the potty. For two weeks, she cried and screamed when she was placed on the potty, all except the one in the morning and night. Within seconds or minutes of being off the potty, S would pee or poop either on the bathroom rug or diaper, mostly the rug. (That rug will never be the same again!)

If only... we checked the books. One of the potty training books says, it's normal to have potty strikes and they are typically related to either a growth spurt or developmental milestone. Well, all S wanted to do is walk, day and night. Walk, walk, walk!

Finally, to get her to sit on the toilet again, momma had to bribe her. S would only get her bubbles on the toilet. After a week of bubbles, she's back on the potty again. We've taken two steps back and one step forward. She likes to poop on the toilet but is reluctant to pee now.

Stike over: May 28, 2007


S's 12 month check up was 2 weeks ago. It came with a vaccination of the chicken pox and measles, which is a live virus. The goal is to get her to innoculate herself with them; otherwise, when she is introduced to it later, her reaction will be worse.

Ten days later, as predicted, S came down with a fever, the highest ever at 102. Two days later, she was covered with spots, similar to ant bits. After three to four days, the fever finally left. During this time, Sarah was the grumpiest ever... crying...and wanting to be held...

12 month checkup stats: weight=19 lb 14 oz, height = 28 inches (around 20% for both)

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Where did the time go? "S" is now walking by herself, although occassionally she still wants a finger from momma or daddy, probably more for security than anything else. She walks all over the house. A typicall day involves a circuit around the sofa a couple of times, through the bathroom to her bedroom, out to the living room, stops briefly for some toys, and does it again, perhaps with a stop in the kitchen or momma and daddy's room for a change of scenery.

Each day she gets better and better.


Daddy took "S" to go potty in the morning. While waiting for S, daddy passed gas. "S" looked at daddy and blew a raspberry, mimicing daddy's gas perfectly. Oooh, the embarrassment daddy! She's already making fun of you! & Momma had a good laugh!