Spunkerella's Blog

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Daddy, momma, and S went to visit Aunt Phu and Uncle Joe in Dallas today before their move to Atlanta. Saturday has been full of fun activities for a 4 years old.

The highlight was the Fort Worth Stockyard. S got to pet the animals at the petting zoo and one of the baby goats got out and followed Daddy, Aunt Phu and S around. Afterward, momma and S ran the Stockyard maze and made it out in 13 minutes. S giggled every time she and momma ran into an "Oops! Dead end." S won a silly band.

Then, everyone headed into the coliseum to see the calf roping, buckling Bronco and sheep chasing. In fact, S participated in the "Mutton Scramble," with the other kids under 8. When the sheep popped out of the gate, the sheep was swarmed with kids. The ribbon was pulled off before S got even a chance to run towards the sheep. All in all, daddy and momma were proud that S tried to do it.

Probably what S will remember the most from the entire day was that she got to spend it with Aunt Phu and Uncle Joe.


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