Spunkerella's Blog

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Starbright, S preschool, kicked off their first day of school celebration this Monday. Momma and S went to the party. There was a car wash and sprinklers to splash in. The zoo man even made a visit. S had a good time with her friend Susannah.

The next day, Tuesday, was her first day for the new school year. There were many new Rainbow and Star faces. Unfortunately, Susannah was not one of them. She changed her schedule to M,W, F.

When momma, asked who she would play with, S answered Susannah. When momma explained that Susannah is changing days, S responded with "Eva." At pickup, momma asked who S played with, she said Eva. But, followed up with an unhappy voice, and said,"Today is Eva's last day. She's going to Kindergarten."

S is still struggling to learn "social rules" of the playground. Momma's not sure how preschool will be for S now that both Susannah and Eva are gone. From watching S try to befriend Sage and Evie, she's going to have a hard time adjusting. Sage and Evie often exclude S from their games and S often doesn't understand "why," nor get the hint.

Momma think S will have some "lonely" times on the playground. Daddy thinks S will just have to learn to adjust. Momma guess better now than later.


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