Spunkerella's Blog

Thursday, June 02, 2011


S has a new pet, actually a "borrowed" pet from Nolan and Matthew Nelson (Sophia's sons). Stripey is a dwarf hamster. Momma picked it up yesterday after Karate class.

Despite being a little hesitant at first to touch Stripy, she's become quite infatuated with him. She loves picking him up and trying to get him to run different mazes and over obstacle.

Today, she played doll-house with him and gave him rides in her red wagon and in the doll-house jeep. The only small scare was when she put him down on the carpet to clean out the poop it made in the jeep. Momma and S searched every where until S saw him running into her room. After that, momma said it was cage time for Stripey.

Momma and daddy enjoy having a "borrowed" pet that they can return. Finally, S gets her pet.


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