Spunkerella's Blog

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


S cracked a confetti egg on momma's head and she had to vacuum the spot on the carpet. S did such a great job that momma offered to pay S twenty five cents to vacuum the kitchen. S moved out all the rugs and chairs to the living room to vacuum and she proceeded to do an excellent job vacuuming the kitchen.

Momma asked how S wanted to be paid (laying out the coins in piles): 1 quarter, 2 dimes and 1 nickle, 5 nickles or 25 pennies. Momma explained the difference in coins and said that each pile was the same amount. S was surprised and delighted to learn it was all twenty five cents.

Despite this explanation, S chose the 25 pennies because it was more and heavier than the other piles. Momma wonders if this is because she wants some M&M from the candy slot machine.


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