Spunkerella's Blog

Thursday, June 23, 2011


The summer has gone by so fast for momma. Momma wishes she could just freeze time and have S stay the way she is. She's a sensitive, quiet, loving, creative, caring (basically good) new 5 yr old child.

She has so much energy that she jumps around everywhere... occasionally driving momma crazy with her jumping and bumping into things. Momma has to make sure everyday that there's an outlet for that energy. S loves yoga, gymnastics, swimming, biking, skating, and karate, basically she'll try a sport at least a couple of times.

She's become more social as she's grown up but still depends heavily on her close friends to get her through (and always will). She needs to feel (more) comfort and security to try new things and is easily bullied by strong personalities (probably because she greatly dislikes conflict). S is still slow to warm up, but now needs little motivation to go play with friends and some warm up period to play with new friends.

She still loves doing craft and making art, probably because momma loves it too. In fact, she told momma she wants to be an artist when she grows up. S can play for hours crafting -- usually one of her handwork projects involving yarn. She also loves imaginary games but has begun to like more logical games too like board games.

She pushes the envelope of her world -- by testing the water with momma. Sometimes, she refuses to do a chore and waits to see what happens when she says "no." A little bribery or attention greases the wheels. She has rarely lied, bullied, or coerced others. Mostly, she pushes the envelope of her world with her curiosity. Her "big thing" right now is trying to understand "how things work." Her favorite show to watch is "How things are made."

If only momma could have life stay the way they are forever........


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