Spunkerella's Blog

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


S dresses herself very well and probably for more than half of the week, she picks out her own clothing. Right now, her big thing is dresses and tights. (Momma remembers when this was all Cousin Lillian wore too and maybe, still does). For momma, the problem is that it's hard to find appropriate dresses for the cold weather. There often is some negotiation going on between S and momma about layering of clothes.

Although S does dress herself well, the combination is a bit strange, like having a color blind person dress themselves. A flowery pink dress with polka dot tights was one of the outfits that she wore over the weekend.

Momma is often reminded of Aunt Tien and her crazy outfit concoctions and is reminded that Aunt Tien is probably the best dressed among the Le-sisters now. So, momma tries to let it go and worry about layering or plan to worry later when clothing becomes mid-riffed.


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