Spunkerella's Blog

Saturday, August 08, 2009


S's last camp day was Splash day! In the morning, she was excited to get into her swim suit and swim shoes. Daddy was dropping her off again and they were bringing a terrarium (that S made with momma) as a gift for Miss Heidi.

During splash day, they waded in the river bed at the Nature Center and hiked to the big pond to observe the water life. Miss Heidi said that Sarah was determine to catch some of the fishes, but unfortunately, she didn't catch any. When momma arrive to pick her up, S was busy playing at the water table, which is a long series of wooden troughs, connected by gates that open and clothes. The camp ended with popsicles for everyone! A good treat for a hot day in the sun! What a fun day!

When asked if S would do camp again next year, S repied "Yes!"

P.S. Daddy said the drop was no problem. She was hesitant to start the craft, making paper plate fish, but joined in eventually. Momma and daddy hope this leads for a smoother transition to preschool.


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