Spunkerella's Blog

Friday, March 20, 2009


S has been doing Little Gym since she was 16 months old. She loves it, but the one thing she struggles with is the "red mat" time where everyone introduces each other, does an activity together and kids try to follow direction. She's great at following direction, but she's overwhelmed by the number of children on the mat. She prefers to have momma carry her during the "red mat" time than participate. Momma usually carries S if it's walking time, but draws the line and running or jumping time on the red mat.

She's now in the Super Beast class, there is at least one activity during the "red mat" time that the instructors ask for the kids to do it without the parents. She prefers to sit and watch them before she participates. Once she gets a chance to watch them, she has no problem running in and joining them. Momma's not sure if S needs some time to get comfortable first or just needs some time to figure out what's going on. Unfortunately, sometimes, she joins in at the very last minute and is disapointed that it ends so quickly.

Happily, momma is seeing S open up more. One day, she won't be momma's velcro baby anymore.


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