Spunkerella's Blog

Monday, January 05, 2009


S was busy scribbling (from right to left) with her marker across a piece of paper today. When Momma looked and asked what she was doing, she said, "I'm writing a message for daddy." Momma responded with a "Wow" and wondered how can this be: is S a genius in the making?

At dinner time, S took out another piece of paper and was scribbling again. She told daddy that she was writing a message for him. As she wrote, she explained what she was writing, "Magenta go to the store and buy fish food." Daddy laughed. Daddy explains to momma that S got this from Blue's Clues video. "Oh, not a genius, but still a smart kiddo..." thinks momma.

P.S. Yesterday, momma had to adjust S tricycle seat up. No wonder S was going so slow, her knee kept hitting the handle bar. Thanks to daddy for this observation!


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