Spunkerella's Blog

Friday, February 15, 2008


S has been going through some separation anxiety. With big groups of people, like at the Little Gym, she wants to be held and is hesitant to participate. At first, momma and daddy thought it was because big groups of people were overwhelming, but she also wants to sit in momma's lap or have momma follow her at the Wednesday playgroup. She has had these friends since she was 3 months old. She often say their names at home over and over again but at the playgroup, refuses to go play. (Note: she actually does better on one-to-one playdates).

S has always been a momma's girl but having her more anxious for momma has been hard on both momma and daddy. S often says "no" to daddy. Momma has a hard time explaining to friends and family why S is so clingy and often other adults are not so understanding about S clingyness. But, both momma and daddy knows this is something that will pass. The doctor and textbooks say that toddlers get separation anxiety is normal and peaks around 18 months but can come and go anytime from 1 year to 3 yr. Some kids have more separation anxiety than others.

Being a toddler is hard! You're not a baby and you're not a little girl. Momma and daddy guesses that can be difficult and can make anyone want to run back to their momma!


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