Spunkerella's Blog

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


"S" has weaned herself off the paci, mostly by herself, with some help from momma and daddy.

Early this week... she refused to take the pacifier at all for both nights and daytime sleep. Momma kept trying to offer it to her for a day but "S" just wouldn't take it. Leading up to this week, at night, she had been falling asleep without the pacifier. However, when she would wake up, she would want it. Eventually,she would wake up and didn't want the pacifier anymore, push it away, and cry harder if we kept insisting.

For her naps, sometime she would take it; sometimes she wouldn't. So, momma and daddy knew the pacifier was going away, but we weren't ready for it!! What will she use to soothe herself to sleep?!

Another milestone for the week: No more swing! "S" has been sitting up in the swing and leaning her body over to see what's on the floor. After doing this several times, not to mention breaking the mobile, no more swing for "S!"


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