There's nothing like a "Grumpasaurus" to teach one the importance of a nap. We learned to put "S" to bed immediately after seeing two or three of the sleepy cues: yawning, eye-rubbing, teary eyes, or fussing. Did you know hiccuping is also a sign of tiredness?
"S" is now sleeping at least three to five naps a day, ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hrs. It's been an uphill struggle for all to get her to sleep during the day over the course of the last four weeks. She is now addicted to her "nummy" (i.e. pacifier) and swing.
Now, that we almost have naps conquered ("knock on wood"), we are turning towards getting the nights mastered and breaking our bad habits (after all we got her addicted to the nummy and swing). We expect "S" to continue to fight sleep until the bitter end!
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